2005, Number 1
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Inv Salud 2005; 7 (1)
Workplace mobbing in university employed
Acosta FM, Pando MM, Aranda BC, Aldrete RMG
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 16-23
PDF size: 336.46 Kb.
This research paper offers the outcomes about
the mobbing prevalence in a group of administrative
and service workers, as well as to identify the more
recurrent behaviors and mobbing situations. The type
of study was the not experimental, with a transverse
and correlational design. The mobbing prevalence
was 10.3 percent for both groups. The prevalence
registered in the administrative workers was 6.86
percent, while in the service workers was of 3.44
percent. The more frequent mobbing behaviors
corresponded to restricting communication. While
the more used strategies were: To criticize his/her
work, the partners hindering his/her expression, to
ignore his/her presence, to calumniate him/her and
their murmuring to their backs, and to exaggerate
their errors.
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