2017, Number 2
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Rev CONAMED 2017; 22 (2)
A critical view over notion: patient/customer/client since Health Anthropology
Lemus AS, Hamui SA, Ixtla PM, Maya AP
Language: Spanish
References: 40
Page: 98-103
PDF size: 149.69 Kb.
Healthcare is a substantive activity of health providers
public establishments of health services
(HPPEH). It is more than a scientific-technical fact
under management perspective. It’s a social-cultural
phenomenon than becomes the process health/
illness/attention, fostering interactions between
health care workers and subject-person. Relational
content of attention, given the level of complexity
reached by the health system, can’t find its best explanation
in the doctor-patient dyad. Although no
longer a relevant analysis unit, the political, economic,
influence is determinant; and the scientific-technological
advance, which most of the time become it
tense, full of breakdowns and discontinuities. It is
possible to see through the asymmetries that generate
dissatisfaction on both sides at the bottom.
Based on the foregoing, we uphold the importance
to reflect on the relationships that are built into
health centers, the meaning and significance given
to them from the notions: patient, customer or
client. In none of the cases is mere polysemy and
they do have direct implications on health care
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