2017, Number 2
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Rev CONAMED 2017; 22 (2)
Right to health protection in the Mexican and Spanish constitutional system
Salazar PIA
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 87-92
PDF size: 227.74 Kb.
The World Health Organization states that the enjoyment
of the highest standard of health that
can be achieved is one of fhe Fundamental rights
of every human being. In Mexico, the right to health
protection is a fundamental right that forms part
of the First Title I of Human Rights and its Guarantees
of the Political Constitution of the United
Mexican States. However, in Spain, this right is not
found in the catalog of fundamental rights established
in Title I, Chapter Two, Rights and Freedoms,
Section 1
ª Of the Fundamental Rights and the public
liberties and of the rights and duties of the
citizens, articles 14 to 29 and 30.2, of the Spanish
Constitution, therefore it is considered like a guiding
principle of the social and economic policy. The
objective of the present study is to confront the
similarities and the differences between fundamental
rights in legal systems Mexican and Spanish on
the right to the protection of the health highlighting
a comparison between the juridical nature, organization
and characteristics of the protection to
the health.
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