2018, Number 1
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Rev Salud Publica Nutr 2018; 17 (1)
Percepción del cuerpo saludable y su relación con la insatisfacción corporal en adolescentes mexicanos
Cruz LV, Urbina CC, Alvear GMG, Ortiz HL, Morán ÁIC
Language: Spanish
References: 33
Page: 23-29
PDF size: 291.24 Kb.
Introduction: The obesity prevention campaigns that symbolize the healthy body without excess weight could affect the
perception of the body image of adolescents, as it happens with the aesthetic ideal.
Objective: Evaluate their perception of
the healthy body and its relationship with body dissatisfaction.
Methods: A survey was conducted in 460 adolescents, students
of a public school in Mexico City. A silhouette test was used to assess the perception of: their current image, the image they
would like to have, and the image they considered healthy according to the obesity prevention campaigns. The information
was analyzed through statistical correlations between each of the three body perceptions and dissatisfaction.
Results: The
majority of adolescents (76.8%) place the healthy body in a body mass index of normal weight. An almost null relationship
with negative direction was found between the healthy body and body dissatisfaction.
Conclusion: The results indicate that
the campaigns that promote the healthy body achieve that adolescents identify a body associated with lower risks to health,
without implying an important affectation in their corporal perception.
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