2018, Number 1
Factores asociados al debut sexual, actividad sexual en línea y calificación en estudiantes de Morelia
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 16-22
PDF size: 262.22 Kb.
Introduction: The sexual practices of adolescents have become a public health problem worldwide. Objective: Describe factors associated with sexual debut in students, online sexual activity and their qualifications. Material and Methods: Observational, cross-sectional study included 673 students from four high schools, 2 public and 2 private in Morelia. A selfadministered survey on factors associated with sexual practices was applied. Results: 27.4% look for pornography on the internet once a week, cybersex practices 4.5%, sexting 6.1%. Internet was the main source of sexual information (40.4%). 20.1% had a sexual debut, with an average of 14.8 years (standard deviation = 1.7), 47.4% did so out of curiosity. For the sexual debut, family dysfunction and having a partner were significant (p = 0.040 and p = 0.000), the type of institution, religion and self-esteem did not have significance. Students without a sexual debut scored better (p = 0.008). Conclusions: The factors found associated with the sexual debut, have relationship to family-social structure and online activities, for this, is necessary to promote updated sex education programs.REFERENCES
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