2018, Number 1
Entry profile of students of the Nursing Degree in a Higher Education Institution
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 34-40
PDF size: 343.82 Kb.
Introduction: To the extent that the higher education system achieves greater information on the profile of students, authorities and teachers will be better able to meet the essential objectives of education.Objective: Describe and analyze the characteristics of the students that enter the Nursing Degree in a Higher Education Institution.
Methods: Cross-sectional analytical study, with 469 students from two generations, with prior informed consent, a questionnaire was applied on personal, family, socioeconomic and school characteristics. The analysis was with the SPSS version 21, Chi squared test and Student t test.
Results: An association was found between feeling comfortable with the nursing degree and the choice of career p = 0.000; as well as, with the desire to change career p = 0.000 and with the desire to study a postgraduate nursing degree p = 0.014. There is no relationship between the average of the baccalaureate and the sex of the students p = 0.108; with the desire of the student to carry out postgraduate studies p = 0.032; with the space for home study p = 0.064; and with the Internet access p = 0.822.
Conclusions: The factors that facilitate or hinder the student in their transition through the bachelor’s degree are: the high school average, the hours of study and the taste for the career; as well as, the low socioeconomic level and the academic degree and occupation of the parents.
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