2018, Number 1
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Rev Enferm IMSS 2018; 26 (1)
Compliance with the dimensions of the indicator Correlation of medical indications with nursing actions
Álvarez-Bolaños E, Ríos-Barreda CP, Cuevas-Budhart MA
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 23-28
PDF size: 347.09 Kb.
Introduction: The use of indicators allows objectifying relevant aspects of assistance, establishing
comparisons, proposing objectives and creating a culture of evaluation and improvement of the
quality of medical care.
Objective: To describe the fulfillment of the dimensions of the indicator Correlation of medical indications
with nursing actions through the clinical file of patients hospitalized in internal medicine.
Methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study, in 154 clinical files of the internal medicine service, a
structured evaluation card was applied with six dimensions, referring to the medical prescription
of parenteral solutions and medicines, transcription of medical indications and specific or special
nursing care.
Results: Overall compliance was 71%, similar in the dimensions of medical prescription 73% and in
the transcription of medical indications 76%. Compliance was low in the prescription dimensions
of parenteral solutions 41% and in specific or special nursing care 53%.
Conclusions: In proportion 3 out of 10 patients hospitalized in the internal medicine service are at
risk of error, delay or omission of treatment and care by the personnel responsible for their care.
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