2014, Number 3
Operativo Salvando Vidas: análisis del primer semestre de atención en el Centro Urbano de Retención Vial por Alcoholimetría (CURVA), Jalisco, México, 2014
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 155-163
PDF size: 457.41 Kb.
Objective: Identify the epidemiological profile of detainees in the urban center of road retention by alcholometry in Jalisco the November 2013 to May 2014. Material and method: study quantitative, descriptive, transverse, Analysis of the daily record in the urban center of road retention by alcoholometry (CURVA) and the registration of medical care of the sanctioned with retention by presenting positivity in the test of alcoholometry of 15 November 2013 to May 15, 2014, in addition analysis of data from the State Council on the prevention of accidents in Jalisco (CEPAJ). Data were processed in the Statistical program Epi Info version 7.0. Results: the age of detainees averaged 33.8 years, 90.5% were men, 46.27% its labor situation was as employees and 25.09% professionals, the average air spire-alcohol concentration level in general was of 0.72 milligrams of alcohol per liter of exhaled air (mg/ l air exhaled), and arterial hypertension (26.10%) and diabetes mellitus (17.39%) were the pathologies that suffer retained. In relation to the total number of reported accidents in the metropolitan area of Guadalajara, is observed a decrease in the 13.62% between the period 2012-2013 and 2013- 2014 and the deaths recorded by the Forensic Medical Service (SEMEFO) of the Institute Jalisciense of Forensic Sciences during the same period, show a decrease total by accidents of 26.05 % and deaths by accident alcohol- Volante of 30.85 %. Conclusions: Considering the results of this study, should incorporated into different instances in the analysis of the results found that would enhance the scope of the Operational Saving Lives, generating proposals not only prevention, if not also formulate public policies that transcend on the institutional level by the objective to benefit the population.REFERENCES
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