2018, Number 2
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Acta Pediatr Mex 2018; 39 (2)
Bullying. From traditional to an integrated approach
García-Piña CA, Posadas-Pedraza S
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 190-201
PDF size: 1086.21 Kb.
School life is subject to various problems that it is not always possible
to attend immediately and comprehensively. They appear as difficulties
for which neither tradition nor pedagogical training seems to have
answers. The present text tries to problematize on the subject from a
critical view, considering aspects in the definition, the behaviors of the
people involved, the associated factors, the place of the symptoms and
proposing a series of actions for the intervention. It seeks to sensitize
the community regarding the criminalization and stigmatization of
people, proposing to identify the behavior within a social problem
of which the need to interrogate, know and modify the environment
generated by the harassment is revealed.
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