2018, Number 03
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2018; 86 (03)
Incidence of cervicovaginal infections diagnosed by cytology and not treated medically
Villarreal-Ríos E, Benítez-Benítez S, Vargas-Daza ER, Martínez-González L, Galicia-Rodríguez L, Escorcia-Reyes V
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 186-192
PDF size: 282.17 Kb.
Background: The main objective of cervicovaginal cytology is
detection of malignant cells, however it has also proved very useful
in the diagnosis of cervicovaginal infections.
Objective: To determine the incidence of cervicovaginal infections
diagnosed by cytology and not treated medically.
Materials and Methods: Cross-sectional descriptive study in women
with cervicovaginal cytology who reported infection. The sample
size was 260 reports, and the sampling technique was randomized
systematized. The delivery of the result, the presence of treatment and
the follow-up were identified. Statistical analysis included averages,
percentages, confidence intervals and calculation of probability of
Results: The average of germs found in each cytology report is 1.9
(95%CI: 1.8-1.9), bacteria are the most frequent germ 98% (95%CI:
96.4-99.8). Results were not given to 81.9% (95%CI: 77.2-86.6) of
the population and did not receive treatment in 84.9% (95%CI: 80.5-
89.3). In a group of 10 cervicovaginal cytology studies with infection
results, the probability that exactly 3 patients will not be given the
results is 17.5%, and the probability that exactly 3 patients will not
be treated is 13.1%.
Conclusion: The incidence of cervicovaginal infections diagnosed
by cytology and untreated medically is high.
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