2017, Number 4
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2017; 20 (4)
Resilience in the parents of patients attended at CRIT Hidalgo
Flores OCA, Islas RJDL, Ruíz ZV
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 1618-1632
PDF size: 289.05 Kb.
Disability is considered as a situation in which the person
presents functional difficulty in some (or several) area of their
development and the relationship between this difficulty and
the contextual conditions that hamper their participation in
society. The term resilience has been used to explain healthy
behavior in conditions of adversity or high risk. The objective
of the research was to describe the level of resilience of the
parents of patients attending CRIT Hidalgo, considering the
variables of gender, age, schooling and situation of couple,
group and clinic in which their children are enrolled and time
of Stay at the CRIT. When applying the Mexican Resilience
Scale (RESI-M) to 401 parents of patients seen at CRIT
Hidalgo, a global level of moderate resilience was found in
the parents. There were higher percentages, including at a
high level, in the areas of family and social support. The
lowest percentages were registered in the areas of social
competence and structure. The variables that had a
significant influence on the overall level of parents' resilience
were: their age and schooling.
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