2017, Number 4
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2017; 20 (4)
Childhood and adolescence institutionalized at home
Ibarra IAN, Romero MMP
Language: Spanish
References: 40
Page: 1532-1555
PDF size: 204.39 Kb.
The present paper offers an overview of the
institutionalized life at home, the paper was composed
of a review of scientific articles and reports of
international organizations on the internal population in
this type of establishments, with the purpose of
providing an overview of the characteristics and the
conditions that the institutionalized population lives. In
the first instance, the notion of the institutions called
home shelter and its characteristics is conceptualized;
at the same time, a tour of the circumstances
surrounding its internal population. The intention is to
place ourselves in the context of institutionalized life
and to know who the institutionalized children and
adolescents are what they do and how they live. A
second section deals with the psychological
repercussions of institutionalized life and its impact both
for life within the institution and for post-institutional life.
Third and Fourth section describes and analyzes the
particularities and repercussions of the
institutionalization of children in Mexico. Finally, to
conclude an analysis and a reflection on the necessary
measures to prevent and diminish the effect of the
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