2017, Number 4
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2017; 20 (4)
Integration of cognitive behavioral and solutions centered approaches for the treatment of a patient with depressive symptoms
Godínez BAO
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 1426-1450
PDF size: 268.19 Kb.
The objective of this research is to show the effectiveness of an
intervention integrating cognitive-behavioral and solutionfocused
therapy in the treatment of a patient with depressive
symptoms. For this purpose, a work plan was developed that
consisted of 7 sessions in which diverse techniques of two
therapeutic approaches were used. As the instrument of
evaluation before and after the treatment, the Beck Depression
Inventory was used, as well as the scale question proposed by
the solution focused model. At the end of the treatment there
was a reduction in the patient’s depressive symptoms, as well
as an increase in the scale question and several changes in the
initial symptomatology, among which a greater safety in itself
and in its decisions, a clear improvement in her state of mind
that included greater hope and faith in herself. By this article, it
is found that both cognitive-behavioral as focused on solution
approaches possess a high degree of efficacy for the treatment
of depressive symptoms and, when it is used in combination, it
can obtain favorable results.
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