2017, Number 4
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2017; 20 (4)
Beliefs about treatment, physical appearance, physical activity and diet in obese venezuelan patients
González LY, Figueira CC, Lugli RZ
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 1251-1271
PDF size: 190.13 Kb.
Several studies establish that beliefs from obese individuals can
be determinant in the success or not of any treatment.
However, the information on this subject is limited, so the
following question was raised: what are the beliefs associated
with choice of treatment, diet, physical activity and physical
appearance of obese patients candidates for bariatric surgery
compared to the beliefs of patients who decide not to have the
surgery? The study involved 20 female people, diagnosed with
obesity. As part of the results, it was possible to identify several
beliefs associated to the conception of obesity, its causes and
consequences, the perception of the treatments, among others.
These beliefs were classified, to finally establish differences
and similarities between the groups. Similarities were found
related to the beliefs about the conception of obesity, the
treatments and why to take them. About the differences, the
group that undergoes other treatments, thinks that obesity can
be solved through diets and exercises, on the contrary, the
group that will have bariatric surgery, observes this procedure
as the only solution.
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