2004, Number 4
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Rev Fac Med UNAM 2004; 47 (4)
Shake bites. Epidemiology in the Veracruz State
Luna-Bauza ME, Martínez-Ponce G, Salazar HAC
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 149-153
PDF size: 66.83 Kb.
Objective: To figure out the frequency of serpent bites and epidemiological aspects, study carried out in a Tropical region from 1995 to 2001, in a 2nd level Institution.
Method: A cross-sectional study with 151 patients pointing out month of the year, area, gender, age, time of evolution, hour of the day, snake type, poisoning degree, signs, symptoms and complications.
Results: The area most affected was Cosolapa with 39.7% of the cases. Men predominated as victims 6.9:1, age average 10-44 years, accidents occur in the morning 44.4%. Bothrops snakes were recognized in 69% of cases, 50 to 99 cm long. In 12.6% of cases there were no poisonous snakes. The area of the body most affected was the left hand and poisoning degree II found in 47% of cases with: pain and edema without severe complications. Two patients died. Out of 151 cases, 127 were released for improvement and 14% were translated to other institution for lack of serum. Average stay 2.99 days.
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