2017, Number S1
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Rev Cubana Pediatr 2017; 89 (S1)
Pneumococcal disease and related infections seen in pediatric patients discharged from the Southern Pediatric Hospital of Santiago de Cuba province
Tamayo RCM, Pajaro MM, Díaz TD, Maren GM, Manet LA, Maceira SS
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 119-132
PDF size: 360.50 Kb.
Introduction: the Southern Pediatric Hospital is one of the sentinel sites for the
surveillance and research of the pneumococcal disease in children under 5 years,
which supports the conduction of the present study.
Objective: to describe the clinical, epidemiological and lab aspects of pediatric
patients discharged from the Southern Pediatric Hospital, with diagnosis of
pneumococcal disease and other related infections.
Methods: a retrospective, ecological and observational study was performed in the
2009-2013 period and included 17 274 patients aged one month to 18 years, who
were discharged from hospital and had suffered acute respiratory infections
(pneumonia and acute otitis media), meningitis and sepsis related with the criteria of
pneumococcal disease and taken as dependent variable. The pneumococcal infection
was considered the main independent variable. Age, sex and severity of the clinical
picture were covariates. The fatality rate for pneumonia and meningitis, and the
percentage frequency distribution of results were calculated.
Results: dependent variables contributed 30.5 % of cases and over 70 % in children
younger than 5 years. In the group, 39 % presented with a diagnosis of pneumonia
and 0.2 % of isolated pneumococci in microbiological cultures. The frequency of
bacterial meningitis was 7.7 % with sepsis in its various stagings (12.1 and 15.1 % of
pneumococcal isolates). The fatality rates were 0.12 and 6.06 % for pneumonia and
bacterial meningitis, respectively.
Conclusions: the pneumococcal disease and the related infections in breast-fed and
preschool children were significant during the study period despite the low frequency
of pneumococcal isolates. The fatality rate of bacterial meningitis reveals the
importance of the disease as to the prognosis and the severity in deaths for this
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