2017, Number 3
Actitudinal beliefs towards violence in the adolescents of second and third year of bachelor of the educational unit las pencas, 2016-2017
Language: Spanish
References: 9
Page: 182-196
PDF size: 192.93 Kb.
This investigation is based in a descriptive study in which sixty students from the second and third course of Las Pencas high school in Cuenca city participated. The principal aim of this research is to determine the prevailing beliefs and attitudes in adolescences before school violence. As a principal research tool the researcher used the questionnaire CAHV _25 Ruiz T.A.2015 and as a result it showed that adolescences think that conflicting situations must be solved by using violence. Making bullying in schools is also considered violence, most of the male students think that violence improves their self-respect. As a conclusion, the researcher considered that violence has taken part in of the students live, especially at the schools where the students consider necessary using violence as a way of self-defense.REFERENCES
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