2017, Number 3
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2017; 20 (3)
Alexithymia in the clinic for treatment of alcohol addicts and drug 12 steps away from the city of cuenca 2016
Bravo CG, Elizabeth BP
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 23-41
PDF size: 197.05 Kb.
The investigation have as main objective to characterize alexithymia,
which is defined as the lack of words to emotions and feelings,
consequent to it, influence on addictive disorders. This study was
carried out with male patients from the alcohol and drug treatment
clinic 12 steps from the city of Cuenca. This type of genus was
selected according to the investigations reviewed, alexithymia is a
frequent male profile. To measure and to know the degree of
alexithymia the TAS-20 evaluative scale (Toronto Alexitme Scale - 20)
was applied, which allowed to establish the difficulty that exists in the
identification and description of the feelings both own and external;
We worked with a sample of 51 patients, between 18 and 56 years of
age. The results show a high level of alexithymia in this population,
linked to the externalization of feelings and emotions. In conclusion,
this research ascribes the importance of the recognition of alexithymia
in society, the family and the clinic.
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