2016, Number 4
Presence of Caga Gene and Vaca Cytotoxin of Helicobacter Pylori in Dyspeptic Patients
Martínez LL, Márquez AY, Rodríguez GBL, Reyes ZO, Mora GSR
Language: Spanish
References: 0
Page: 1-9
PDF size: 76.41 Kb.
Introduction: There is evidence of the involvement of certain genotypes del Helicobacter pylori in more several pathologies. Objective: Determine the frequency of gen cagA and the citotoxinavacA of Helicobacter pylori in dyspeptic patients and the damage of gastric mucosa. Methods: A descriptive study was conducted at the Hospital Dr. Carlos J. Finlay, from 2011-2012 in 71 patients with positive culture for Helicobacter . The study included determination of the gen cagA and the citotoxinavacA. The analysis of results was performed using the Chi square statistic method with statistical significance alpha <0.05. Results: 69 % of patients wascagA+ and 56.3 % vacAs1m1. In individuals cagA+ predominateds1m1 (52.1 %) and in the cagA- predominate s2m2 (22.5 %). The moderate chronic gastritis was the most frequent histological diagnosis related to the cagAvacAs1m1 genotype. Conclusions: A highly virulent strain (cagA + / vacAs1m1) predominate in dyspeptic patients of this study.