2018, Number 1
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Rev Mex Urol 2018; 78 (1)
Laboratory analyses for early diagnosis of chronic kidney disease
López-Heydeck SM, López-Arriaga JA, Montenegro-Morales LP, Cerecero-Aguirre P, Vázquez AGF
Language: Spanish
References: 115
Page: 73-90
PDF size: 403.66 Kb.
Early detection of chronic kidney disease enables longer kidney
function, reduces the cases of dialysis, and lowers the risk of death from cardiovascular disease. The standard diagnostic tests for kidney
damage and kidney function are the 24-h urine protein test and
glomerular filtration rate with external markers, respectively, but
they are used only when there are signs of or risk for kidney disease
and are impractical for epidemiologic studies. A more practical
test is the estimated glomerular filtration rate, with an equation for
internal markers, such as creatinine. The serum creatinine value is
influenced by creatine ingestion, creatinine production, and muscle
mass, but their effect is decreased through those equations. To reduce
interlaboratory variation in creatinine assay calibration, the
estimated glomerular filtration rate should be calculated from serum
creatinine using an equation that is traceable to isotope dilution mass
spectrometry. This has been established in many countries, but some
give all creatinine values together with only the estimated glomerular
filtration rate, and a limited number of countries apply the spot urine
protein/creatinine ratio.
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