2018, Number 2
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Rev Fac Med UNAM 2018; 61 (2)
Total laparoscopic hysterectomy due to uterine myomatosis. Differences between open and laparoscopic surgery. Case report
Arcos VB, Arcos VD, Flores RGA
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 29-36
PDF size: 306.91 Kb.
Introduction: The first reports of a hysterectomy go back
to the year 120 BC, but it was not until 1988 that the first
laparoscopic hysterectomy was performed by H. Reich. The
first indications for surgery were: endometriosis, abnormal
uterine bleeding, benign adnexal masses, chronic pelvic pain
in relation to adhesions, secondary to inflammatory disease
or previous disease,, cancer of the endometrium, ovary and
cervix stage l.
Clinical case: a 44-year-old female patient who started her
illness four months before the surgery with intermittent
heavy bleeding using 6 sanitary towels per day with a 15 x
15 menstrual cycle accompanied by colic pain. It was referred
with injectable hormones and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs. A pelvic ultrasound was performed with a report
of uterine myomatosis. She passed to the operating room
where a uterus of 10x7x7cm with myomatosis of large subserosal
elements was found, The largest was of 7x7x7cm in
the posterior wall of the uterus. She left on the third day of
hospitalization without any data of active bleeding, tolerating
the oral route, and channeling gases.
Justification: A laparoscopic hysterectomy allows a better
visualization by magnifying the anatomy and the existing
pathology, a better access to Douglas fundus and ovarian
fossae, a better hemostatic control as well as a diminished
abdominal incision pain.
Conclusion: This technique has shown a decrease in hospital
stay, a faster return to normal activities, as well as a reduction
of the risk of infection in the surgical wound area.
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