2018, Number 1
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Rev Mex Anest 2018; 41 (1)
Obstetric bleeding cooler
de la Torre-León T, Nava-López JA, Carrillo-Esper R, Hernández-Reguero JL, de la Torre-León MA, Miranda-Contreras A, González-Rangel JL, Pozos-González RI, Lara-Salazar YI, Palma RJA
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 38-44
PDF size: 196.98 Kb.
The obstetric hemorrhage (HO) is one of the three principals causes of maternal morbidity and mortality. The multidisciplinary management has contributed to the decrease of mortality but the global rate of secondary deaths in underdeveloped countries has been increased. The initial treatment when we face a patient with HO is to realice an hemotransfusion, sometimes it has done indiscriminately. Every hospital must have a massive transfusion protocol for its treatment, but now a day exists pharmacology strategies that reduces the amount of blood products and also reduces the secondary adverse reactions.
Celaya maternal hospital, has created an strategy that reduce significantly the use of blood products. This strategy has been named obstetric hemorrhage refrigerator; this refrigerator has hemostatics drugs that has been used in the manage of HO (protombine complex concentrate, fibrinogen concentrate, desmopressin acetate, epsilon aminocaproic acid, Tranexamic acid). This refrigerator is a novel an useful management option when you deal with ho patients and it must convert in a basic tool in the operating room, in the unit of intensive care, in the maternal hospitals; in hospitals that doesn’t have blood bank or in hospitals that are so far away and doesn’t count with the correct infrastructure to manage a blood bank or a bleeding station. The physiopathology of the hemorrhage is the backboard for hemostatic reanimation; directed resuscitation strategy, has decreases in a significant way the maternal morbidity and mortality.
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