2017, Number 2
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Arch Neurocien 2017; 22 (2)
Neuropsychological alterations in to low birth weight (LBW) and very low birth weight (VLBW) middle and late childhood children in Mexico
Arreguín-González IJ, Cabrera-Castañón R, Ayala-Guerrero F
Language: Spanish
References: 62
Page: 38-52
PDF size: 267.16 Kb.
Objective: Some studies have shown that the cognitive development of
preterm children is normal, and others report that there is a relationship
between prematurity, LBW and cognitive disorders, we reviewed several
information to elucidate these contradictions in Mexican population.
Material and Methods: The information was obtained in specialized web
sites and it was filtered in order to have the most representative data.
Results:The National Population Council in Mexico reports that in 2015
there were around 121005815 habitants in Mexico, with 2,241,366 births,
and around 187,602 to 336,2015 children with LBW or prematurity with
an increased risk of neuropsychological alterations as well as several
disturbances in learning process, memory, behavior, memory, calculus
and executive functions in middle and late childhood children. There
were 442,000 references of children with LBW, and around 160,000 of
neurocognitive functions and around 1,510,000 of Neuropsychological
subjects, of which only 579 references were consulted, and only 65 were
used. There was no Mexican data.
Conclusions:Some authors found several skills disturbances in academic
performance, reading, writing, arithmetic, language, attention, perception,
construction, planning, fluency and flexibility. There are also several
behavior, neurologic and psychiatric alterations, secondary to prematurity
and LBW in middle and late childhood children, while other authors differ.
So, there is still a lot of controversy so further investigation is required.
Other languages different from Spanish are learned by the brain by several
ways, so some of these studies do not apply in Mexican population.
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