2018, Number 1
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Rev Odont Mex 2018; 22 (1)
Treatment of multiple Miller class I and III gingival recessions by means of sub-epithelial connective tissue graft and tunnel technique
Lino AV, González EIZ, Martínez HR, Hurtado SA
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 46-50
PDF size: 244.15 Kb.
Introduction: Gingival recession can be associated to periodontal disease or muco-gingival conditions causing hypersensitivity, root caries and esthetic problems. A combination of the tunneling technique with sub-epithelial connective tissue graft can be considered an option for multiple gingival recession treatment.
Case presentation: A 38 year old female patient who informed of suffering hypersensitivity in upper teeth (13, 14, 22, 23, 24), exhibiting gingival recession. Periodontal evaluation revealed Miller class I and III gingival recessions in quadrants I and II. Periodontal diagnosis was healthy periodontium. In order to achieve root coverage, placement of sub-epithelial connective tissue graft with tunneling was planned. This represents a suitable procedure in cases when interdental papillae are wide, moreover, it constitutes a high predictability technique in order to achieve root coverage. In the present case, it was decided to initiate treatment on the second quadrant since it lodged sites with greater dental hypersensitivity, to be followed a month later by treatment on the first quadrant.
Conclusions: This applied technique allowed for 100% elimination of tooth hypersensitivity, only considering a disadvantage the double surgical site of the donor site. It is important to mention that, in addition to achieving improvement in tooth hypersensitivity, esthetic appearance was improved.
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