2017, Number 1
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Sal Jal 2017; 4 (1)
Transición del adulto mayor productivo al envejecimiento activo
Flores-Villavicencio ME, Decena-Hernández K, Vega-López MG, Cervantes-Cardona GA, Meza-Flores IJ, Valle-Barbosa MA
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 48-56
PDF size: 347.35 Kb.
Introduction: The change from the productive stage
to active aging has generated a potential increase
in the burden of the economy due to the reduced
coverage of pension plans and exclusion of formal
employment, increasing the performance of unpaid
activities, causing family dependence for daily
Objective: To analyze the expectation that
older adults greater have regarding the change from
productive aging to their active aging based on the
maintenance of work activity.
Material and Method:
Older adults were selected from the community
of Tecolotlán, Jalisco, a questionnaire was applied
to collect socio-demographic data, the Duke-Unk
scale of social support and questions were asked to
obtain information about their occupation before, at
present and their perspective to future.
Results: It was
identified that the 63.0% were not retired, 34.0% did
not receive any type of financial support and 66.0%
they received it. The activity they did after turning
60 or retired, women were housewives, 39.1% of men
did nothing and the rest of them were still doing paid
work. Activities that they would like to develop in
the future for women: to continue in activities from
home, 19.6% of men remain in agriculture, 17.6% still
did not know what they wanted to do.
Conclusion: It
is important to point out the indicators that allow us
to create policies and work programs for older adults
to continue keeping its productivity so that the their
transition to active aging is healthy.
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