2017, Number 1
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Sal Jal 2017; 4 (1)
Estrategia multidisciplinaria para la reducción de daños a la salud por influenza, temporada invernal en Jalisco 2015-2016
Nuño-Bonales AI, Plascencia-Mendoza VM, Carrillo-Santoscoy JP, Sánchez-González JM, Cruces-Mada A
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 10-25
PDF size: 1847.15 Kb.
During the winter period 2015-2016, the circulation of
influenza virus registered an important increase in North
America. In Mexico, the number of confirmed cases was the
biggest identified since the pandemic of 2009, the atypical
behavior as for the beginning, subtypes predominance,
and installation of the cases in addition to challenges for
prevention and control of illness in Straw hat, they derived in
strengthening of a multidisciplinary strategy of promotion,
vaccination and social communication that was giving
advance to challenges that the public health was specifying.
The identification of cases, opportune typification by
means of an eff ective and sensitive system of epidemiologic
alertness, communication with the preventive areas and the
link with other Government Departments and Institutions,
they allowed the punctual intervention that as a whole
showed a reduction in Straw hat of tendency of cases before
to national average, communicating actively the preventive
measurements and limiting health damages to population.
Material and methods. It is an observational study,
descriptively and ecologically presented with statistical
analysis univariate. Th e information corresponds to the
winter period 2015-2016, initiating in the epidemiologic
week 40 of 2015 up to the week 20 of 2016.
Results. The
results presentation appears in accordance with three
main axes that the multidisciplinary strategy incorporates:
promotion to the health, social communication and
Conclusions. To recapture the community
and individual preventive actions, to off er the vaccine
to all the groups, emphatically in those of major risk, to
communicate by means of channels adapted with clear
messages and to measure the level of acceptance of the
public politics of health, it is possible to consider to be a
successful multidisciplinary strategy for our population.
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