2017, Number 2
Validation of the educational multimedia on sensibility and resistance antimicrobial for potential the learning in the education in the work
Language: Spanish
References: 8
Page: 35-40
PDF size: 378.82 Kb.
Introduction: educational multimedia is a product designed to support the teaching process, is conceived as one of the means that uses who teaches and who learns, to achieve certain purposes. In addition, it is a means of presenting and developing educational content, so it is, without doubt, a product and also an environment that can be extended to all levels of education.Objective: to apply multimedia educational for the diagnosis of sensitivity and antimicrobial resistance to enhance learning in education at work.
Method: a non-observational, quasi-experimental study was conducted before-after no control group (with pre-test and post-test) to determine the level of knowledge of professionals on the subject: techniques for diagnosis of Sensitivity and antimicrobial resistance, which was performed during the month of November 2016 (pre-test), and January 2017 (post-test) in the laboratory of Microbiology of the Saturnino Lora Torres Provincial Hospital in Santiago de Cuba.
Results: in terms of the evaluation of the experts taking into account the subject matter and the sources of argumentation, the majority obtained a high score, in terms of feasibility, all the specialists declared very satisfactory, the most relevant result after Use of multimedia was good with 78.2%.
Conclusions: the results obtained showed that most of the selected experts had a high level of competence, taking into account their assessments of the subject domain. We validated the proposal designed through the criterion of experts and a test of verification to the professionals, where a high knowledge was observed after applying the tool.
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