2018, Number 1
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Acta Pediatr Mex 2018; 39 (1)
Gruber Meckel Syndrome in a young infant with prolonged survival. Case Report
Ramírez-Izcoa AE, Sánchez-Sierra LE, Alvarenga-Calidonio RH, Varela- González D
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 33-41
PDF size: 794.29 Kb.
Meckel-Gruber Syndrome is a ciliopathy caused by dysfunction of
primary cilia, is a lethal autosomal recessive disorder that is diagnosed
by the presence of a classical triad manifestations: bilateral cystic
renal dysplasia, occipital meningoencephalocele and postaxial polydactyly.
We present a case of a female infant, who at birth presented
the triad Syndrome Meckel Gruber and other conditions, among
which highlighted the bilateral aplasia of the optic nerve. The patient
underwent exceresis of occipital meningoencephalocele at 72 hours
of life, with satisfactory evolution; she continued with treatment for
urinary secondary to the renal cystic dysplasia infections, also presented respiratory infections and died at 11 months. Despite the high
mortality Meckel Gruber syndrome, in unusual cases like this, they
have longer survival, so it is necessary to establish a multidisciplinary
approach to treat complications.
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