2017, Number 2
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Rev Cub de Reu 2017; 19 (2)
Clinical characterization and diagnostic criteria in women with articular hypermobility
Arbelo FMC, Estévez PA, González MB, Porro NJ
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 57-64
PDF size: 122.94 Kb.
Aim: to describe the most frequent clinical manifestations found in women with articular hypermobility.
Methods: a transversal descriptive study was performed to patients with articular hypermobility who were treated in the Rehabilitation and Physical Medical Service of the Rheumatology National Center in "10 de Octubre" Clinical Surgical Hospital. 87 patients were assessed taking into account the presence of clinical manifestations associated to the Articular Hypermobility Syndrome reported in the records, the Beighton scale application for the assessment of articular hypermobility as well as the Brighton criteria for the syndrome diagnosis.
Results: a great number of clinical manifestations such as tendinitis, sprains and musculoskeletal changes were found but joint pain, tiredness, fatigue, rings under the eyes, headache and hematomas were predominant.
Conclusions: women with articular hypermobility show a great number of clinical manifestations, skeletal deformities and lesions of the musculoskeletal system which confirm it is a pleomorphic entity that it is necessary to know due to its frequent morbidity in the different levels of medical care.
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