2018, Number 1
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Rev Cub Med Int Emerg 2018; 17 (1)
Respiratory severity indexes in ventilated pediatric patients
Segredo MY, Alvera PB, Acevedo RY, Rovira RLE, Álvarez GI, Martell BNL
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 47-59
PDF size: 359.08 Kb.
Introduction: mechanical ventilation is commonly used in the pediatric patients worldwide nevertheless; there are still controversies according to the mechanical ventilation strategies, modes of ventilation and the use of morbidity and mortality predictor indexes.
Objective: to determine the best respiratory severity predictor index in ventilated pediatric patients.
Method: a descriptive transversal trial was made from May, 2013 to December, 2014 including patients who needed mechanic ventilation. The sample included 158 patients from 0 to 18 years of age. To obtain the primary data a formulary was made and applied to each patient in the first mechanical ventilation day. Blood sample by arterial or capillary puncture was obtained from each patient. Some oxygenation indexes were calculated such as, the Kirby index, the alveolus-arterial oxygen difference, the ventilation rate and the modified ventilation index.
Results: high significances values were achieved regarding the Kirby index because the 41 died patients, 46 % of them had it lower than 200. The oxygenation rating was highly sensible. Patients with values over 16 had 21 times higher risk of death. Those patients who had an alveolus-arterial oxygen difference within 400 and 599 presented a 2.5 times higher risk of death compared with those who had a normal value.
Conclusions: both the oxygenation index and the Kirby one were sensible predictors of prognosis in the ventilated pediatric patient.
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