2017, Number 2
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Rev Cub de Med Fis y Rehab 2017; 9 (2)
Characterization of the habit tobacco in adolescents from a rehabilitation room
Cuéllar ÁJ, Bravo AT, Quintana UM
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 1-10
PDF size: 200.19 Kb.
Introduction: the habit tobacco in adolescents is an essential element in the current assistance work from the own professionals of the health.
Objective: to characterize the habit tobacco in adolescents from a rehabilitation room.
Methods: was carried out a descriptive study, traverse in a rehabilitation room from the consultation of ceasing tobacco, where of a population of 80 it was a sample of 41 adolescents active smokers belonging to the policlinic José Ramón León Acosta of Santa Clara. It was used empiric methods; interviews open, questionnaire, applying technical didactic and educational, of revision of the individual clinical histories and of family health.
Results: the masculine sex, 51,2 % of the smoking adolescents prevailed they had ages understood between the 13 and 15 years of age, 78 % of these they began to smoke between the 12 and 15 years, of why the most frequent causes began to smoke they were the relaxation and presence of at least a smoking father, was demonstrated that the children of smoking parents begin to smoke in earlier ages (12 to 15 years) being represented by 29 of the adolescents in study, the adolescents smoke with more frequency in the parties, the road of acquisition of the most common cigarettes is in the stores of the state and street salespersons, it forms in which you/they acquire the cigarettes 61 %.
Conclusion: the difficulties are related with the attitudes assumed by the parents and the pressure psychosocial in group’s adolescent active smokers.
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