2017, Number 2
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Rev Cub de Med Fis y Rehab 2017; 9 (2)
The use of the neuro rehabilitation treatment in the functional state in patients with ischaemic ictus
Bolaños AO, Bravo AT, Fernández GDC, Pedroso MI, Rodriguez LH, Seoane PJ
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 1-9
PDF size: 171.71 Kb.
Objective: To evaluate the use of neuro rehabilitation treatment in the functional state in patients with ischemic ictus.
Methods: An explanatory, quasi-experimental study in patients with ischemic ictus admitted in the service of Internal Medicine in the Medical-Surgical Investigations Center in the understood period of January-November of 2015 was carried out. Thirty patients were investigated; Barthel Index and Rankin modified scale were applied. The initial results and the results of a month after the rehabilitation treatment were compared.
Results: There was prevalence of the masculine sex, over 55 years old, white skin, with pre-university education, mostly living with company, economically independent. Right hemiplegia had the highest frequency, with brachial prevalence and right dominance. After applying the Rankin modified scale and Barthel Index at the beginning and the end of the treatment there were significant changes.
Conclusions: The neuro rehabilitation treatment is useful in the improvement of functional state in patients with ischemic ictus.
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