2018, Number 1
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Arch Med Fam 2018; 20 (1)
Myths and Beliefs about Diabetes in Patients of a Primary Care Unit in Mexico City
Salazar FE, Ponce RER, Jiménez GI, Cervantes NA, Jiménez HJC, Madrigal LHG
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 15-21
PDF size: 141.04 Kb.
Objective: To identify the main myths and beliefs of patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 treated in a healthcare
Methods: non-random sample, with proportional representation to the number of medical consultations of
the health unit; with 90% confidence, accuracy of 10% and variability p = 0.5 and q = 0.5; sample from the final study
of 300 patients. Patients voluntarily involved with a confirmed diagnosis DMT I; ages of 20 to 95 years, both sexes.
The information was obtained from 49 variables distributed in sociodemographic, clinical and disease factors, medi--
tions used, non-pharmacological remedies, perception of myths and beliefs. The questionnaires were applied to the
selected patients in the waiting rooms of the health unit through a direct interview. The information was stored in a
database using the IBM SPSS Statistics v22 program. The information was analyzed with descriptive and inferential
statistical techniques.
Results: 21% of the patients reported having sought some non-pharmacological remedy to
control the disease; The most used remedies privileges: 29% tea, Jamaica 11% water, onion juice, cocoa and grapefruit
juice with 9.5% each. The most popular myths were: lemon juice 54.6% and pineapple 50.5% "burned" fat. Insulin causes
complications 47%, damages the kidneys 46.7% and produces blindness 46.3%. Questionnaire reliability: Cronbach's alpha
= 0.886.
Conclusions: The main myths and beliefs identified in this study represent an approach to the study of what
patients with diabetes think about their disease. It is necessary to conduct more studies on myths and beliefs in different
contexts and scenarios of medical care in Mexico to compare the consistency of the information.
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