2017, Number 3
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Cuba y Salud 2017; 12 (3)
Pulmonary cytological diagnosis in lesions studied by bronchoscopy. Miguel Enrique Teaching Clinical Surgical Hospital. 2011-2015
Pacheco GI, López VJM, Ríos HN, Hernández TT, Martínez RL, Figueredo CM
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 30-38
PDF size: 316.91 Kb.
Objectives: To determine the behavior of the cytological study performed on bronchopulmonary lesions by bronchoscopy,
Miguel Enríquez Teaching Surgical Clinical Hospital. Identify frequency of bronchopulmonary lesions according to age and
gender. To determine the most affected lung and lobe. To identify types of lung neoplasm diagnosed by cytological study.
To assess validity of the diagnostic test used.
Materials and Methods: Observational, descriptive, retrospective study, year 2011 to 2015, Miguel Enríque Teaching
Clinical Surgical Hospital. Universe: 425 patients from the bronchoscopy clinic; sample: 251 cases with cytology.
Results: 129 positive cases, 79 negative, 10 suspects of malignancy and 33 not useful for diagnosis. Male gender
predominated, and group of 66 to 80 years. 80 cases presented lesions in the right lung and 46 in the left lung, most of
them located in the upper lobes. In 116 cases with cytological diagnosis of lung cancer, the clinical diagnosis was suspicious
of lung neoplasia. Non-small cell carcinoma predominated. The sensitivity of the test for confirmation of malignancy of the
lesion studied by cytology was 90.8%, positive predictive value: 62%; specificity and negative predictive value: 0%, since
the healthy cases were not analyzed.
Conclusions: The male gender and those over 65 years of age predominated in cases diagnosed by cytology as lung
cancer. The lesions prevailed in the right lung and in the upper lobes of both lungs. The non-small cell carcinoma and
the epidermoidel cell carcinoma subtype predominated. Although the sensitivity of the diagnostic test had a satisfactory
behavior, the specificity could not be calculated, which partially affected the validity of the test.
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