2017, Number 3
Genetic diseases in the Latin American context from the students’ perspective of the Latin American School of Medicine
Language: Spanish
References: 37
Page: 10-17
PDF size: 253.41 Kb.
Objective: To analyze the most frequent genetic diseases by category, in the families, according to reference of Latin American students at the Latin American School of Medicine and to identify the countries with the greatest number of cases.Materials and Methods: An analytical cross-sectional investigation was performed. The study population was constituted with the students of the Latin American School of Medicine, enrolled in three courses. The sample was made up of second year students from Latin America, for a total of 627. A questionnaire with the following variables was done and applied: genetic disease, which was classified as monogenic, chromosomal and multifactorial, and country of origin. Some tables were prepared to show the information and the SPSS program version 11.5 was used.
Results: 865 diseases were reported. 93.1% were multifactorial, from them the arterial hypertension obtained 33.2%; 4.9% were chromosomal, representing Down syndrome 97.7%, and 2% monogenic, constituting sicklemia 58.8%. The countries with the greatest prevalence of genetic diseases were Nicaragua, Dominican Republic and Mexico.
Conclusions: According to the reference of Latin American students at ELAM, multifactorial diseases were predominant, secondly the chromosomal diseases and finally the monogenic diseases. High blood pressure and asthma were more frequent in Nicaragua and diabetes in Mexico.
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