2017, Number Esp
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Rev Mex Enf Cardiol 2017; 25 (Esp)
Nursing interventions in home-based cardiac rehabilitation of a person with a biological mitral prosthetic implant
Juárez SA
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 25-30
PDF size: 185.32 Kb.
Mitral stenosis rheumatic causes an impaired functional capacity and a decrease in the quality of life of the person in relation to the onset of progressive dyspnea, feeling of anxiety about the prognosis and disruption of compliance with their family roles and labor. The objective of this case study is to implement specialized care to a person with impaired stenosis of the mitral valve with valve replacement by bioprosthesis during the outpatient follow-up at home, based on the model of Virginia Henderson focusing on cardiac rehabilitation to achieve a positive impact on the recovery of the person and in improving their quality of life. In the methodology comprehensive and targeted assays were performed in the pre-, trans- and posoperative period and the external environment and in home consultation. With the data obtained from the assessments the altered needs were prioritized, nursing diagnoses were made by analyzing the problem, etiology, signs and symptoms as well as the taxonomy of NANDA and then care plans through specialist based interventions scientific evidence from books and electronic databases. The integration process of nursing care by cardiovascular specialist based on scientific evidence, possible to provide an individualized, quality care to foster independence in decision making in tracking the person at home and plan implementation cardiac rehabilitation tailored to their individual needs with which a speedy improvement was achieved in the perception of quality of life and functional capacity, which were validated with scales.
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