2017, Number 5
Educational intervention strategy for the formation of peer promoters on suicidal behavior in adolescence. Bayamo, 2016
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 559-580
PDF size: 171.44 Kb.
An intervention study was carried out with the objective of implementing an educational intervention for the formation of peer health promoters to prevent suicidal behavior in adolescents from high school Julio Antonio Mella, Bayamo, from January to May 2016. The universe was constituted by 65 students of the school who showed personal motivation to develop the work of prevention as health promoters in the community. The sample was selected probabilistically through an individual interview; finally it was constituted by 20 adolescents. The strategy was applied in two phases: theoretical-practical and community work. The results with the sampling applied before the workshop evidenced a lack of knowledge of the subjects to be treated, positive results were obtained with an increase of knowledge about the subjects: communication, techniques for the development of their work as a health promoter, suicidal behavior in the adolescence, myths, risk factors and management of adolescents with suicidal risk; the majority of adolescents were evaluated very well and well in their performance as promoters in the community under the control of the person in charge of the research, who checked the quality of the new promoter. The evaluation criteria used allow us to propose that the educational intervention strategy for the training of peer health promoters was effective.REFERENCES
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