2017, Number 5
University-society interaction in the attention to the appendectomiced patient
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 517-528
PDF size: 130.34 Kb.
Introduction: the social commitment of the Cuban medical university includes the continuous interaction with society. Acute appendicitis affects the working population and influences the rates of work disability. Reincorporating the patient to work life is also the responsibility of the university.Objective: to establish the university-society relationship through the knowledge of physicians and patients in the management of patients with acute appendicitis.
Methods: a qualitative study was carried out with participatory research-action. We interviewed 108 patients with acute appendicitis and their family physicians in order to know the management of these patients from hospital discharge. The medical career programs were reviewed.
Results: the 94 physicians interviewed were able to respond to aspects related to surgical intervention (96.8 %) and the disease in question (97.9 %); 54.3 % acknowledged that they did not satisfy their doubts about the convalescence process. The 108 patients interviewed were satisfied with the explanations provided by the family physician regarding the surgical intervention (90.7 %) and the disease they suffered (96.3 %), and 57.4 % acknowledged that they did not meet their doubts about the process of convalescence. The post-operative follow-up course was designed for patients who underwent acute appendicitis as a response to the extension of the time of reconstitution.
Conclusion: the university-society relationship was evidenced and the need for a sustained strengthening that achieves greater preparation in the care of patients with acute appendicitis.
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