2017, Number 2
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2017; 20 (2)
Evaluation executive function in university students with low perceived self-efficacy levels
Gutiérrez-García AG, Landeros-Velázquez MG
Language: Spanish
References: 38
Page: 397-426
PDF size: 299.43 Kb.
Executive functions have been defined as the ability to
formulating, planning and carrying goals efficiently. On the
other hand, the self-efficacy beliefs represent a cognitive
source between knowledge and action and determines,
among other variables, the success of own actions. This study
aimed to determine the characteristics of executive
performance function in relation to their perceived selfefficacy.
The Self-Efficacy Scale in Academic Behaviors
(EACA) and the Neuropsychological Battery on Executive
Functions (BANFE-2) were applied in a sample of
undergraduate students. A sample of 36 students was divided
into three groups according to their perceived self-efficacy in
low, satisfactory and high categories. Students with low selfefficacy
perception had low scores on academic tasks of
understanding, communication, attention and excellence (
p ‹.05). Likewise, this group:
i) reached the highest number of
negative errors (
p ‹.05) in the metamemory subtest resulting
from the underestimated self-perceived level of performance;
ii) the longest time in the classification of cards (
p ‹.05); and,
iii) the highest number of errors in the Stroop subtest (
p ‹.05).
It is concluded a relationship between some of the executive
functions and perceived self-efficacy. The beliefs and selfperceptions
represent a basic factor for the success of their
academic activities and decisions taken to face their scholar
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