2017, Number 1
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2017; 20 (1)
Imagined contact influence on implicit bias in childrens toward children with down syndrome
Amaya BND, Borrero DJM, Bustamante SEJ
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 280-295
PDF size: 185.09 Kb.
The aim of this research was the evaluation of the technique
known as Imaginary Contact on reducing implicit bias in
children without intellectual disabilities to children with
intellectual disabilities, focus in Down syndrome. An
experimental design was used. The sample were 28 children
(without disabilities) from 6 to 11 years old from middleschool
in Caracas, Venezuela. The Imaginary Contact was
manipulated by the presence of the independent variable in
the experimental group and its absence in the control group.
The Implicit Association Test was adapted to measure implicit
bias on the children. The results did not allow corroborate the
presence of implicit bias in the subjects and the effects of the
Imaginary Contact were not significant. The formation of
prejudice in childhood and others variables involved, are
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