2017, Number 4
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Arch Med Fam 2017; 19 (4)
Training needs of specialized health training tutors of an Autonomous Community of Spain
Saura LJ, Lorente MP, Ros RF, Medina AMD, Arnau SJ
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 95-104
PDF size: 262.89 Kb.
Objective: To identify the training needs in tutors of the Balearic Islands, Spain (BIS).
Methods: Opinion study, using the technique of key informants. The participants were professionals involved in the teaching of residents of all specialties in health sciences, who attended the 1st Conference of Tutors of Specialized Health Training (SHT) of the BIS. Within a training workshop, respondents were asked to respond to a self-administered questionnaire, distributed by hand and with open answers, based on a single question: What are the Formative Needs or what training should the Tutors receive? The survey was answered by 84 people (71 tutors and 13 other actors in the SHT), which represents approximately 1/3 of the 254 tutors of the IBS.
Results: 100% of the attendees participa participated; Out of 84 surveys, a total of 512 responses were obtained, with an average of 6.1. 119 different responses were identified, which corresponded to training needs or proposals for training activities. The training needs were related to the teaching competence (56.1%), with clinical competence (23.8%); with communication and relationship with the resident (18.2%); and other qualities (1.95%). More than half of the total responses referred to the tutor being a good teacher according to their competences.
Conclusions: The most important training needs were those related to teaching and pedagogical competence and having qualities as a trainer. These results can help to set up new training programs for tutors and improve their training and that of residents.
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