2017, Number 4
Knowledge about HIV/AIDS in dentistry students at the University of Guayaquil
Language: Spanish
References: 11
Page: 6-18
PDF size: 121.33 Kb.
Background: knowledge about the human immunodeficiency virus is an essential content to be dominated by adolescents and young people because they constitute vulnerable groups for these infections.Objective: to determine the level of knowledge about HIV/AIDS in university students of the Pilot Faculty of Dentistry of the University of Guayaquil.
Methods: a descriptive research was carried out during 2016. Theoretical methods were used: analysis-synthesis and deduction-induction; and empirical ones: the survey in the form of a questionnaire to students to know their filiation data, social, educational and cultural characteristics, family composition, occupation, sexual behavior and basic knowledge on aspects related to HIV/AIDS.
Results: the age range of the students who intervened in the research ranged from 20-22 years with a predominance of females; most expressed that they do have knowledge about HIV/AIDS in relation to the ways of transmission and how to prevent it; the information on this topic had been acquired through television and the Internet fundamentally.
Conclusions: it was determined that students have elementary knowledge about HIV/AIDS, these are insufficient considering the risk represented by the age included in the study.
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