2017, Number 2
Future odonatologists’ educational evaluation for the attention to the deaf patient, Havana, 2016
Santos PY, Novoa LAM
Language: Spanish
References: 0
Page: 280-294
PDF size: 574.28 Kb.
Introduction: Deafness is a unique decline and the interest shown by future stomatologists to know the deaf community is related with their interest to provide a more comprehensive stomatological treatment. Objective: To identify future stomatologists' assessments of their training in the care of deaf patients. Material and Method: In March 2016, a cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out in a population of 35 students in the fifth year of stomatology’s career from the Institute of Basic and Preclinical Sciences "Victoria de Girón" Playa Municipality in Havana, with an average age of 22 years, of both sexes. They received the optional training course "Dental management of the deaf patient" and then was performed a survey. The variables studied were: sex, more interesting subjects of the elective course received, satisfaction of the specific learning needs for the deaf patient’s stomatological attention, the need of receiving an optional course as a complement to their Career Curriculum. Results: The female sex was the most prevalent with 74.3%. The most interesting topic was the Cuban Signs’ Language for a 62.9%. 65.7% of the students surveyed believe that what it is taught in the career does not meet the special dental care needs of the deaf patient. Correspondingly, 91.4% consider that they need to receive an elective course as a complement of the curriculum. Conclusions: The majority of stomatology students surveyed were female, they shown an interest in the Cuban Signs’ Language and consider that they need the optional course "Deaf patient dental management", to complement the curriculum of the course.