2017, Number 3
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Revista Cubana de Salud Pública 2017; 43 (3)
Conceptual delimitation of the primary health care
Elorza ME, Moscoso NS, Lago FP
Language: Spanish
References: 52
Page: 1-17
PDF size: 222.59 Kb.
Introduction: The relevance of the goods and services provided as part of the
primary health care strategy is based on the theoretical and empirical evidence
gathered n the last decades. However, there are still some inaccuracies around this
concept that hinder its study.
Objective: To delimit the concept of primary health care and differentiate it from
some other related terms such as primary care and first level care.
Data source: Thematic review on theoretical and conceptual as well as empirical
research studies carried out from 1970 to 2015. Original and review studies
published in Spanish, English and Portuguese in Medline, EconLit and generic
Internet searches such as Google Scholar were analyzed. At the same time, with a
view to avoiding publication bias, the references of the research studies found in
the first search phase were also reviewed. The subject headings were primary
health care, primary care, atención primaria and atención primaria de salud.
Data synthesis: There are conceptual variations in the term primary health care
that may respond to characteristics inherent to the health systems that formulated
Conclusions: Although the concepts of primary health care, primary care and first
care level are frequently mixed up and used indistinctly as synonyms, the first
concept refers to a health policy; the second one should be associated to a health
care model whereas the last one corresponds to the assistance level in the health
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