2017, Number 1
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Rev Cub de Reu 2017; 19 (1)
¿How to promote inter and transdisciplinary relationships between the subjects English and rheumatology? A methodology proposal
Romero RHH, Maldonado LAE, Armas PWG, Salazar CEH
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 41-49
PDF size: 82.94 Kb.
The systematic application of inter and transdisciplinarity must be inherent in contemporary pedagogical practices in higher education.
Objective: to present a methodology that can be applied for using reading comprehension in the promotion of the inter and transdisciplinary relationship between the English and Rheumatology subjects.
Method: in September 2016 a methodology was designed that aimed to guide the inter and transdisciplinary relationship between rheumatology and English, based on the development of reading comprehension skills in English language for Rheumatology postgraduate students. The methodology was extracted from the authors’ practical experiences in the teaching of English with specific purposes and a wide bibliographical revision. Several texts were taken as models for the design of the task. For the general conception of the interdisciplinary didactic structure, López’ model was taken as reference.
Results: the methodology is developed in four stages - definition of the didactic structure inter and transdisciplinary, prior to reading, reading, after reading - and 12 phases. General methodological guidelines to apply the methodology are included.
Conclusions: one of the greatest challenges lies in the development of appropriate teaching materials for the orientation and development of student activity. These problems point to the need to continue designing inter and transdisciplinary methodologies, which pose problematic situations in the context of inter and transdisciplinary relationships, generating the greatest possible number of student intersubject transfers. To all of which this work contributes in some measure, firstly exposing a methodology, composed of four stages and 12 phases, that can be used for the use of the reading comprehension in the promotion of the inter and transdisciplinary relation between the subjects English and rheumatology.
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