2017, Number 1
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Rev Cub de Reu 2017; 19 (1)
Clinical features of Behçet's disease in pediatrics
Gómez CSY, Acosta TJR, Viltres LD, Ambos FI, Oleaga VS, del Toro RLM
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 27-34
PDF size: 513.86 Kb.
Introduction: Behçet's disease is a Vasculitis, recurreact, of unknown ethiology, in which patients have oral and genitals ulcers, uveitis, skin damage, arthritis, and occasional neurological problems.
Objectives: to contribute will the early diagnosis of this infrequent morbid that in provoke a decrease in the quality of life.
Methods: a descriptive research was made in 7 patients in Pediatric Hospital of Cerro, whit Behçet's disease between October 30, 2015 to November 30, 2016. A technical details was age, sex, color of the skin, time between this beginning of the disease and the diagnoses, personal and family pathological antecedent, evolution, complementary exams and treatment variables. The information was summarized by meas of absolute frequency and cualitative measurements.
Results: the age average was 12, 1 ages, the 57,5 %were female, 71,4 % shoved a white color of the skin, the average of the diagnosis time was 4.6 year. Antecedents of immunological disease in families of first grade were found in 6 patients. The whole sample presented oral ulcers and general symptoms at the very beginning, genital ulcers in an evolutive way, eyes, digestive, neurogical and osteomioarticular system affectations. Most of haemchemestry and immunological complentaris and reactants in acute phase were colchicines, prednisona, metotrexate and azathioprina.
Conclusion: the whole agree with those described in the literature.
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