2018, Number 1
Comparative evaluation of two methods of spermatic recovery of epididymis bovine post-mortem
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 59-74
PDF size: 430.71 Kb.
Determine the appropriate method to recover bovine’s epididymal sperm in different post-mortem recovery times was the objective of the current studies. Testicles from 50 bulls of different breeds and ages, sanitary status, were obtained after the sacrifice of it in the slaughterhouse located in Loja city, Ecuador; testing two methods of seminal collection: retrograde wash and slicing. The testicles/epididymal were transported in 0.9% sodium chloride solution and storaged during 2, 4, 8, 12 and 24 hours at 5ºC, to test spermatic quality in relation with passed time from its sacrifice, to the sperm collection in the laboratory. The evaluated parameters were: mass motility, individual motility, percentage of viable sperm, and normal. In the analysis of the results descriptive statistics were used and for the variance analysis Tukey test were used to determine the statistical differences between averages. The epididymal spermatozoa showed: mass motility 60.4% ± 4.75; Individual motility 50.7% ± 4.75; Vitality 60.6% ± 3.85; Abnormalities 8.78% ± 1.4; there is no significant difference (p›0.05) between protocols, getting average volumes of 2.2±05 ml, concentration of 63.08% ± 2.05, the percentage of living sperm was more when the method of retrograde wash was used. It is concluded that is possible collect living sperm from the post-mortem epididymis bull’s tail, being its vitality directly proportional to the storage time.REFERENCES
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