2017, Number 5
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Rev Mex Neuroci 2017; 18 (5)
Neuropsychological profile of a group of older adults diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment
Ríos-Gallardo ÁM, Muñoz-Bernal LF, Aldana-Camacho LV, SantamaríaÍñiguez MF, Villanueva-Bonilla C
Language: Spanish
References: 34
Page: 2-13
PDF size: 311.29 Kb.
Introduction: Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is a clinical
condition between normal aging and a probable dementia process
such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD), which manifests itself as a loss
of memory greater than expected for age, without meeting the
diagnostic criteria Established for AD. This disease occurs in people
with advanced ages. It is expected that by 2050 life expectancy
in Colombia will exceed 79 years and with more than 20% of the
population over 60 years.
Objetive: To describe the neuropsychological profile of a group
of older adults with MCI.
Methods: The sample consisted of 69 elderly adults with an
average age of 71.79 years. Minimental State Examination and
Neuropsychological Assessment (Grover and Buschke Verbal
Memory and Cognitive Cerad) were used.
Results: In all, 49% of older adults assessed had a predominance
of DCL-type amnestic multiple domains, 35% had non-amnestic DCL
multiple domains and 8% met criteria for DCL-type amnesic single
domain and non-amnesic single domain.
Conclusion: When comparing the results of other
investigations and taking into account that the present study does not
estimate prevalence, it is necessary to recognize the similarity in the
results and the usefulness of the case study to make more accurate
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