2017, Number 1
Oral manifestations related to the diagnosis of rheumatic diseases
Language: Spanish
References: 49
Page: 72-83
PDF size: 186.92 Kb.
Introduction: rheumatic diseases are characterized by a wide range of systemic manifestations. The oral cavity is home to many of these manifestations, which may even constitute diagnostic criteria for those diseases.Objective: describe the relationship existing between oral disorders and rheumatic diseases.
Methods: a review was conducted on the Internet about the relationship between rheumatic diseases and oral manifestations. The search included papers published in the last five years. An evaluation was performed of high impact journals from the Web of Sciences, Scopus, Redalyc and Latindex which dealt with the subject (37 journals). Databases from reference systems such as MEDLINE, PubMed and SciELO were consulted with the aid of various search terms in English and Spanish. The papers included were in English, Portuguese and Spanish. Of the 77 papers obtained, the reviewers selected the 49 which approached the study subject in a more comprehensive manner. The journal with the highest presence of the topic was the Cuban Journal of Rheumatology, with 24.67 % of the total papers. The remaining papers were evenly distributed among the other journals.
Data analysis and integration: there is a close relationship between oral diseases and rheumatic conditions. Oral manifestations sometimes constitute diagnostic criteria for rheumatic diseases. Among the most common of these are mouth ulcers, xerostomia, gingivitis and temporomandibular joint disorders.
Conclusions: oral manifestations may be the expression of rheumatic disorders, but they may also induce their emergence or be responsible for their decompensation. The presence of infectious processes, as well as the use of drugs with an immunosuppressive and/or immunomodulatory action, may further strengthen this relationship.
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