2017, Number 4
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Gac Med Mex 2017; 153 (4)
Índice glucémico y carga glucémica en el fruto de la especie vegetal Opuntia ficus-indica
Ibarra SMJ, Novelo HHI, De León SMA, Sánchez MME, Mata OMC, Garza JAJ
Language: Spanish
References: 32
Page: 475-481
PDF size: 248.33 Kb.
There is evidence that support the clinical usage of glycemic index (GI) and glycemic load (GL) in the prevention of chronic
Objective: To determine the GI and GL of the
Opuntia ficus-indica fruit.
Methodology: An analytic, transversal study
was made involving 25 healthy volunteers accepted by an informed consent with a normal body mass index, glucose, glycoside
hemoglobin, cholesterol and serum triglycerides. The homogeneity of the population was evaluated with anthropometrical
and biochemical data using principal component analysis (PCA). The equivalent of 50 g of carbohydrates test food (tuna) and
50 g of dextrose as food standard was provided for the measure of the glucose curve. The GI was determined by calculating
the area under the curve by the triangulation method. The CG was reported as the product of IG by carbohydrate loading
Results and Conclusions: The IG of the tuna was 48.01 ± 17.4, classified as low, while the CG was 24.0 ± 8.7
rated as high. The chemometric analysis by PCA showed that the selection of the normal population for determining the IG,
it is important to consider the values of cholesterol and triglycerides.
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